The Coffee Recipe eBook by and Manfred Schaefer is a collection of favorite coffee flavors. If you love coffee of all kinds and even from other countries, you will get a lot of use from this recipe book. Included are recipes of HOT and COLD coffee drinks. 17 recipes,Continue Reading

I am very excited to review the Lavazza Classico coffee today. I have heard a lot of great things from the internet and Youtube about this brand. Lavazza is a favorite and widely sold brand of coffee around the world. Now it’s my turn to review it here for you.Continue Reading

Today I review the Steep & Brew’s Amaretto French Roast. They are roasters from Madison Wisconsin. I’ve reviewed other flavors from them and enjoyed them. This package makes up to 6 cups of coffee, just adjust the amount of water you use to make it strong or weaker. Opening theContinue Reading

Over five hundred billion cups of coffee are consumed each year making it the most popular drink on earth. For centuries, this aromatic, spirit-lifting drink has been the beverage to serve at any and all events. Many board meetings and friendships have thrived over a cup of coffee. Extracted fromContinue Reading

Coffee plants grow in a number of geographical areas, and for this reason the oils and fats that determine the bean aroma vary according to temperature, the degree of humidity and the earth the plant grows in. CARIBBEAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA COFFEE BEANS Caffee Arabica is the predominant type cultivatedContinue Reading

A cappuccino is similar, in ways, to a latte.  They are both made with espresso and frothed milk. The difference is that a cappuccino is made with a more stiff air froth than the latte. A cappuccino is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 stiff airy frothed milk AContinue Reading

My coffee quick tip today is about espresso. Many newbies to the world of espresso, lattes and cappuccinos pronounce it “expresso”.  This is a tell tale sign to a barista that the customer is new to the variances of ways that espresso can be prepared. Espresso is not a coffeeContinue Reading

I’m sharing a video with you showing how I make an OREO Mocha Iced Coffee. Also known as a Frappaccino or Frappe. Ingredients; 1 cup Ice 1/2 cup Milk 2 shots of Espresso 3 TBS Chocolate Syrup 2 TBS Vanilla Syrup 3 TBS Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips 5 or 6Continue Reading

Pleasantly sweet coffee, inspired by the taste of a traditional Spanish latte. Ingredients 2 cups hot strong brewed coffee (French or other dark roast) 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup honey 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon Dash ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions In a small saucepan, combine the coffee, milk,Continue Reading

Today I review coffee from Berres Bros called Chocolate Mint. Where do I start?! Well, the coffee smelled good while brewing.  It got me excited to taste this flavor. I poured a cup and added my sugar and some milk.  Still a great minty aroma. I really love the mintContinue Reading