The first thing that anyone should know about an espresso beverage is the fact that espresso can be used, re-used, and re-used over again in order to make the perfect beverage for your taste buds! Indeed, espresso is such a delightful coffee drink that there are so many ways toContinue Reading

Big Thank you to Hayman coffee out of London England for sending me a sample pack of their “Jamaica Blue Mountain” coffee. First of all,the packaging is very pleasing to the eye and it was packed very nicely for shipping. I was send coffee pods but don’t have a singleContinue Reading

Well, after a long hiatus, I’m back with a new review of a coffee flavor I found in the grocery store called “Candy Cane”. This coffee flavor is made by Steep N Brew.  I reviewed other coffees by this brand, just search in the box above to read them. AsContinue Reading

History of Colombian Coffee Colombian coffee is often regarded as some of the highest quality coffee in the world. Colombia has traditionally grown Arabica beans and its unique geography makes it perfectly suited for producing a delicious, high quality brew. Colombia’s excellent growing conditions have paired with an aggressive marketingContinue Reading

Today I will review Boston’s Best brand called “Jamaican Me Crazy”. This brew has a nice aroma brewing. It’s a medium blend of Arabica beans. Nice color, not very light or too dark.  This brew reminds me of pancakes at the ihop.  The taste is similar to sweet rolls orContinue Reading

OK, back to the basic reason that I started this blog. “Reviews” of all the different coffee brands in the world. Today I am reviewing “Hills Bros Premium Gourmet”. I purchased the whole bean package so I can get the best freshest cup of coffee to review. I have toContinue Reading

Strong Artificially Flavored Roasted Coffee Beans When I first started to drink coffee 9 years ago I wasn’t very aware of the different flavored coffee beans.  I’m still not sure if it’s flavored in the bean or sometime before or after roasting (topic for another article later). I do knowContinue Reading

More than 53 percent of consumers age 18 and older drink coffee on a daily basis. That translates into 7.7 million new coffee drinkers in 2 years. With consumers enjoying a wider range of coffee drinks in offices, corner cafes and restaurants, they are also demanding better-tasting coffee at home.Continue Reading

The Coffee Recipe eBook by and Manfred Schaefer is a collection of favorite coffee flavors. If you love coffee of all kinds and even from other countries, you will get a lot of use from this recipe book. Included are recipes of HOT and COLD coffee drinks. 17 recipes,Continue Reading

Coffee Cappuccino Creams with Cream and Sweet Coffee Sauce If you are a coffee fan, this is the coffee dessert – the best ever! It is based on an old-fashioned recipe for honeycomb mold, which sometimes separates into layers but sadly often doesn’t. You can make this and serve itContinue Reading

I am very excited to review the Lavazza Classico coffee today. I have heard a lot of great things from the internet and Youtube about this brand. Lavazza is a favorite and widely sold brand of coffee around the world. Now it’s my turn to review it here for you.Continue Reading

Today I review the Steep & Brew’s Amaretto French Roast. They are roasters from Madison Wisconsin. I’ve reviewed other flavors from them and enjoyed them. This package makes up to 6 cups of coffee, just adjust the amount of water you use to make it strong or weaker. Opening theContinue Reading

Over five hundred billion cups of coffee are consumed each year making it the most popular drink on earth. For centuries, this aromatic, spirit-lifting drink has been the beverage to serve at any and all events. Many board meetings and friendships have thrived over a cup of coffee. Extracted fromContinue Reading

You can have your own coffee brand and coffee shop reviews posted to and get paid for it. I am looking for coffee brand flavor reviews and coffee shop reviews from around the world. I can NOT be everywhere to review all the coffees of the world so, IContinue Reading