My coffee quick tip today is about espresso. Many newbies to the world of espresso, lattes and cappuccinos pronounce it “expresso”.  This is a tell tale sign to a barista that the customer is new to the variances of ways that espresso can be prepared. Espresso is not a coffeeContinue Reading

I’m sharing a video with you showing how I make an OREO Mocha Iced Coffee. Also known as a Frappaccino or Frappe. Ingredients; 1 cup Ice 1/2 cup Milk 2 shots of Espresso 3 TBS Chocolate Syrup 2 TBS Vanilla Syrup 3 TBS Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips 5 or 6Continue Reading

I am going with an Irish Cream Coffee Recipe today. This recipe is similar to the basic Irish coffee recipe but with a few surprises in store for you, for an excellent taste and a flavor that just hits the spot. INGREDIENTS; A glass A stirrer A warm spoon someContinue Reading

Espresso Con Panna, which means “espresso with cream” in Italian, is a single or double shot of espresso topped with whipped cream. In the U.S. it may also be called café Vienne. Enjoy! #coffeelover #kava #kafe #kaffeeclatch #italiancoffee #cafe #cafeManfred #kaffeeContinue Reading

Today I review coffee from Berres Bros called Chocolate Mint. Where do I start?! Well, the coffee smelled good while brewing.  It got me excited to taste this flavor. I poured a cup and added my sugar and some milk.  Still a great minty aroma. I really love the mintContinue Reading

Building a business isn’t necessarily an easy task to pursue. Many people go the franchise route when building their businesses so that they may build upon the successes of others rather than learning things about building a business the hard way. A coffee franchise is a good business for mostContinue Reading

Today I took my wife th Panera Bread.  I ordered a Mocha latte and an Orange Scone. My wife ordered Caramel Latte and a berry muffin.  The Latte’s were $3.99 each and the pastries were a little less in the $2.60 range, $13 and change in total. We started offContinue Reading

Okay, back to the grind. It’s the day after Christmas, all those people that didn’t like their gifts will be in long lines returning them. Me?! I will be here blogging and enjoying a couple cups of coffee.  Later today, I will be painting, artistically, not the walls, LOL. WhenContinue Reading