Coffee the Interesting Facts Coffee being one of the most precious commodities known to date is also known to kick start the day of many coffee worshipers.  Since, discovered somewhere on the lands of Ethiopia, coffee has enticed people with its ability to stimulate and lift the spirit.  Loved byContinue Reading

I am going with an Irish Cream Coffee Recipe today. This recipe is similar to the basic Irish coffee recipe but with a few surprises in store for you, for an excellent taste and a flavor that just hits the spot. INGREDIENTS; A glass A stirrer A warm spoon someContinue Reading

Espresso Con Panna, which means “espresso with cream” in Italian, is a single or double shot of espresso topped with whipped cream. In the U.S. it may also be called café Vienne. Enjoy! #coffeelover #kava #kafe #kaffeeclatch #italiancoffee #cafe #cafeManfred #kaffeeContinue Reading