Building a business isn’t necessarily an easy task to pursue. Many people go the franchise route when building their businesses so that they may build upon the successes of others rather than learning things about building a business the hard way. A coffee franchise is a good business for mostContinue Reading

5 Tips for Beginning a Successful Coffee Franchise Chances are quite good that if you are beginning a coffee franchise that you have visions of successful endings and massive expansion swimming around in your dreams at night. These are good dreams to have but do not allow them to occupyContinue Reading

Nothing like a great coffee cake with your coffee. I grew up in a German household and every afternoon Mom would have cakes and danish available to eat with the coffee. Cafeclatch. Here is a nice recipe for coffee cake. Streusel 1/3 cup unbleached all purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugarContinue Reading

Okay, back to the grind. It’s the day after Christmas, all those people that didn’t like their gifts will be in long lines returning them. Me?! I will be here blogging and enjoying a couple cups of coffee.  Later today, I will be painting, artistically, not the walls, LOL. WhenContinue Reading