Coffee plants grow in a number of geographical areas, and for this reason the oils and fats that determine the bean aroma vary according to temperature, the degree of humidity and the earth the plant grows in. CARIBBEAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA COFFEE BEANS Caffee Arabica is the predominant type cultivatedContinue Reading

Today I review coffee from Berres Bros called Chocolate Mint. Where do I start?! Well, the coffee smelled good while brewing.  It got me excited to taste this flavor. I poured a cup and added my sugar and some milk.  Still a great minty aroma. I really love the mintContinue Reading

Okay, back to the grind. It’s the day after Christmas, all those people that didn’t like their gifts will be in long lines returning them. Me?! I will be here blogging and enjoying a couple cups of coffee.  Later today, I will be painting, artistically, not the walls, LOL. WhenContinue Reading