Coffee Lovers Dream – Costa Rican Coffee
Coffee Lovers Dream Discover Costa Rica Coffee If it’s been a while since you tried Costa Rica coffee, you may want to try it again. Changes in coffee production and an attempt to keep up with the growing market for coffee and gourmet coffee has caused some changes in theContinue Reading
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Meet the Beans – How to Find Your Favorite Coffee
What coffee is best for you? Is there really that much variation in this popular beverage? Actually, yes; there are quite a few variations in coffee. Here are some tips on how to find your favorite coffee. 1. Why Coffee? One thing to help you determine what coffee is bestContinue Reading
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Deliciously Fresh Flavor From A Coffee Bean Roaster
The coffee bean roaster is quickly becoming a must-have in every kitchen because the flavor and the freshness of coffee is always at its best when it is roasted in small batches at a time in the comfort of your own home. Roasted coffee tends to be very susceptible toContinue Reading
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So You Want To Grow Your Own Coffee – Here Is How
Farms that have been growing coffee for years, sometimes as long as two centuries, have the growth, cultivation and processing of coffee down to a fine art. But some coffee lovers like the challenge of do-it-yourself, or their interest in coffee leads them to try their hand at growing theirContinue Reading
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How To Buy Coffee For Less
If you want to buy coffee for less, you could join a warehouse club and buy a case of the same old coffee you buy at the supermarket. You’ll get a discount ranging from a few pennies to several cents per can. You could buy cheap, store-brand coffee and hopeContinue Reading
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Alternatives to Your Daily Espresso
Espresso is one of those caffeinated coffee beverages that are usually held to a higher standard because everyone loves the drink dearly! Even though not exactly coffee, espresso has some of the same characteristics of a jolted coffee serving. Millions of people all over the world drink espresso at someContinue Reading
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Coffee-Grinding Tips and Facts
The debate over whole beans versus ground beans will probably never be resolved; there are some tips and facts about various kinds of grinds and the best use of each. And there are some pros and cons to using whole beans and using ground coffee. So here are some coffee-grindingContinue Reading
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Amazing Discovery Of The Stimulating Influence Of Coffee
Coffee is a drink produced from the coffee grains. It is stimulating because it contains caffeine. The use of the drink of the coffee had its origin in Kaffa, Abyssinia, today Ethiopia, when a shepherd called Kaldi observed that his goats were smarter and hopping around when eating the leavesContinue Reading
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What Are Coffee Pods?
People drink coffee to stay awake and get more things done. But how can you get more things done if you’re waiting around for your coffee to brew? Oh sure you can go buy a cup of coffee but at some point, you are going to want a cup atContinue Reading
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What Happened to Coffee?
The days when we used to wake up in the morning, grab the morning newspaper, and brew up a wonderful cup of coffee, have started to disappear. Unless you’re a morning person who can get out of bed hours before anyone else and somehow start the day without the typicalContinue Reading
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Coffee Maker Style Guide
According to some statistics, 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers. (Seems like more.) This translates to more than 100 million people who drink coffee daily. Americans are a diverse population and far from unanimously agreeing on what makes a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, there are several different stylesContinue Reading
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Cleaning Tips For Your Coffee and Espresso Machines
How to Clean Your Coffee and Espresso Machines – Top Tips Keeping your coffee maker clean is important in preventing clogs, bad-tasting coffee, and/or breakage of the machine. To keep your coffee maker running well and your coffee tasting great, here are some top tips on how to clean yourContinue Reading
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Home Brewed Cappuccino in 3 Easy Steps
There’s nothing quite like a freshly made cappuccino to go with breakfast. However, buying one from a commercial coffee shop is not the same as creating an authentic cup at home. You can make authentic Italian-style cappuccino at home in three easy steps. Coffee has come such a long wayContinue Reading
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The Truth About My Grandfather’s Coffee
When I was six years old, my grandfather would take me and my brother to work with him. Granddad worked at night as a security guard, so it was no trouble at all for him to let us go to work with him. And it was just the three ofContinue Reading
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