Women in business are a growing occurrence. Once relegated to the roles of caretakers more women are stepping up to bat in recent years and discovering that they are not only excellent caretakers and tenders but also exceptional providers and business minds. Savvy women in business often follow the path ofContinue Reading

Caffeine is my Shepherd; I shall not doze. It maketh me to wake in green pastures. It leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses. It restoreth my buzz. It leadeth me in the paths of consciousness for its name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow ofContinue Reading

More than 53 percent of consumers age 18 and older drink coffee on a daily basis. That translates into 7.7 million new coffee drinkers in 2 years. With consumers enjoying a wider range of coffee drinks in offices, corner cafes and restaurants, they are also demanding better-tasting coffee at home.Continue Reading

The Coffee Recipe eBook by CoffeeTongue.com and Manfred Schaefer is a collection of favorite coffee flavors. If you love coffee of all kinds and even from other countries, you will get a lot of use from this recipe book. Included are recipes of HOT and COLD coffee drinks. 17 recipes,Continue Reading

A cappuccino is similar, in ways, to a latte.  They are both made with espresso and frothed milk. The difference is that a cappuccino is made with a more stiff air froth than the latte. A cappuccino is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 stiff airy frothed milk AContinue Reading

My coffee quick tip today is about espresso. Many newbies to the world of espresso, lattes and cappuccinos pronounce it “expresso”.  This is a tell tale sign to a barista that the customer is new to the variances of ways that espresso can be prepared. Espresso is not a coffeeContinue Reading

I did all of the right things to make espresso at home. I bought myself a good espresso machine. I learned which espresso beans have the best taste and how to grind them to the correct fineness. I managed to insert the gadget with the grinds, known as a portafilter,Continue Reading

Few coffee drinkers fully appreciate the fact that frothed milk is what makes a cappuccino or latte. Without the milk and foam, it is just plain espresso. Like anything worth learning, it takes a bit of practice, even the most capable baristas have a hard time at first. Let usContinue Reading

Who doesn’t like a good Latte?  Try this one and let me know what you think. Ingredients 1/2 cup instant coffee granules 1/2 cup boiling water 4 cups chocolate milk 2 cups cold water 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk Ice cubes Directions In a large bowl, dissolve coffeeContinue Reading

Pleasantly sweet coffee, inspired by the taste of a traditional Spanish latte. Ingredients 2 cups hot strong brewed coffee (French or other dark roast) 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup honey 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon Dash ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions In a small saucepan, combine the coffee, milk,Continue Reading

Today I took my wife th Panera Bread.  I ordered a Mocha latte and an Orange Scone. My wife ordered Caramel Latte and a berry muffin.  The Latte’s were $3.99 each and the pastries were a little less in the $2.60 range, $13 and change in total. We started offContinue Reading