According to the 2005 National Coffee Drinking Trends, published by the National Coffee Association of U.S.A. Inc., more than 53 percent of consumers age 18 and older drink coffee on a daily basis, up from 49 percent in 2004. That translates into 7.7 million new coffee drinkers. With consumers enjoyingContinue Reading

Is coffee in the morning enjoyable to you? You are not alone with your train of thought. Is your life so hectic that you just buy the same old coffee out of habit? Look at the different options available to you. Continue reading for some helpful advice for the nextContinue Reading

The debate over whole beans versus ground beans will probably never be resolved; there are some tips and facts about various kinds of grinds and the best use of each. And there are some pros and cons to using whole beans and using ground coffee. So here are some coffee-grindingContinue Reading

According to some statistics, 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers. (Seems like more.) This translates to more than 100 million people who drink coffee daily. Americans are a diverse population and far from unanimously agreeing on what makes a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, there are several different stylesContinue Reading

So what exactly is espresso coffee? An espresso coffee is sold at the café in a small cup and is an extremely strong cup of coffee. Espresso is used in making café latte, cappuccino, and café mocha. Espresso is made in the espresso machine by forcing about two ounces ofContinue Reading

Barista competitions are held each year in over 30 countries and the winners get a chance to compete for the ultimate title: winner of the World Barista Championship. A barista is a person who prepares coffee drinks in a coffee house as his or her profession and especially strives toContinue Reading

We all enjoy a good cup of coffee to keep us refreshed and alert, but in today’s world of freeze dried and instants it is difficult to get that real coffee taste and aroma – in fact some people have never experienced anything other than instant, thus missing out onContinue Reading

I used the New Ninja Coffee Bar to make this gem. Ingredients; 1 TB Chocolate syrup 1 Tsp Cinnamon Sugar mix 3 Tsp Coffee, medium course ground 1/2 Cup Milk Heat milk in Microwave 45 seconds and Froth.  Add Chocolate syrup and cinnamon sugar mix to milk. place on cupContinue Reading

More than 53 percent of consumers age 18 and older drink coffee on a daily basis. That translates into 7.7 million new coffee drinkers in 2 years. With consumers enjoying a wider range of coffee drinks in offices, corner cafes and restaurants, they are also demanding better-tasting coffee at home.Continue Reading

The word “percolator” has come to mean that special coffee pot that used to sit on your Grandparent’s stove and bubble away like mad all morning long. Typically they consist of a heat proof pot that holds the water, a long tube (like a straw) that holds a filter basketContinue Reading

The Coffee Recipe eBook by and Manfred Schaefer is a collection of favorite coffee flavors. If you love coffee of all kinds and even from other countries, you will get a lot of use from this recipe book. Included are recipes of HOT and COLD coffee drinks. 17 recipes,Continue Reading