I used the New Ninja Coffee Bar to make this gem. Ingredients; 1 TB Chocolate syrup 1 Tsp Cinnamon Sugar mix 3 Tsp Coffee, medium course ground 1/2 Cup Milk Heat milk in Microwave 45 seconds and Froth.  Add Chocolate syrup and cinnamon sugar mix to milk. place on cupContinue Reading

I would love to hear from readers out there about which coffee they like best. I know that we are limited locally, no matter where we live, for choices in coffee brands. Have you tried to order from overseas? Did it arrive in tact? Was it worth the postage andContinue Reading

History of Colombian Coffee Colombian coffee is often regarded as some of the highest quality coffee in the world. Colombia has traditionally grown Arabica beans and its unique geography makes it perfectly suited for producing a delicious, high quality brew. Colombia’s excellent growing conditions have paired with an aggressive marketingContinue Reading

Coffee the Interesting Facts Coffee being one of the most precious commodities known to date is also known to kick start the day of many coffee worshipers.  Since, discovered somewhere on the lands of Ethiopia, coffee has enticed people with its ability to stimulate and lift the spirit.  Loved byContinue Reading

OK, back to the basic reason that I started this blog. “Reviews” of all the different coffee brands in the world. Today I am reviewing “Hills Bros Premium Gourmet”. I purchased the whole bean package so I can get the best freshest cup of coffee to review. I have toContinue Reading

Strong Artificially Flavored Roasted Coffee Beans When I first started to drink coffee 9 years ago I wasn’t very aware of the different flavored coffee beans.  I’m still not sure if it’s flavored in the bean or sometime before or after roasting (topic for another article later). I do knowContinue Reading

Smells you could do without The deodorizing effect of used coffee grounds can be used in a variety of ‘high scent’ environments: Your refrigerator – no need for baking soda. Just fill a cheese cloth with dry grounds and leave the bag in the refrigerator. Your outdoor garbage can/dumpster –Continue Reading

Caffeine is my Shepherd; I shall not doze. It maketh me to wake in green pastures. It leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses. It restoreth my buzz. It leadeth me in the paths of consciousness for its name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow ofContinue Reading

Chances are quite good that if you are beginning a coffee franchise that you have visions of successful endings and massive expansion swimming around in your dreams at night. These are good dreams to have but do not allow them to occupy your thoughts and dreams at the expense ofContinue Reading