We don’t see as much plain coffee these days as we used to. What could be the reason for it? It’s probably because it is very easy these days to brew up a cup of gourmet coffee for your family, friends, and acquaintances. There are now coffee clubs and coffee social areas where coffee is taking on the look of a social group.Continue Reading

There are good financial reasons to make coffee at home. You may not know how to get a good, quality cup of coffee at home, however. The following article offers several techniques to brewing that perfect pot of coffee. If brewing coffee is something you like doing, think about stirringContinue Reading

When starting or forming any business from the ground up there are many important guidelines and principles to remember. However, owning an espresso business is a whole other type of business altogether simply because of the nature of what you’re selling. If you do want to start a business thatContinue Reading

Coffee is a drink produced from the coffee grains. It is stimulating because it contains caffeine. The use of the drink of the coffee had its origin in Kaffa, Abyssinia, today Ethiopia, when a shepherd called Kaldi observed that his goats were smarter and hopping around when eating the leavesContinue Reading

The first thing that anyone should know about an espresso beverage is the fact that espresso can be used, re-used, and re-used over again in order to make the perfect beverage for your taste buds! Indeed, espresso is such a delightful coffee drink that there are so many ways toContinue Reading

There’s nothing quite like a freshly made cappuccino to go with breakfast. However, buying one from a commercial coffee shop is not the same as creating an authentic cup at home. You can make authentic Italian-style cappuccino at home in three easy steps. Coffee has come such a long wayContinue Reading

So what exactly is espresso coffee? An espresso coffee is sold at the café in a small cup and is an extremely strong cup of coffee. Espresso is used in making café latte, cappuccino, and café mocha. Espresso is made in the espresso machine by forcing about two ounces ofContinue Reading

Barista competitions are held each year in over 30 countries and the winners get a chance to compete for the ultimate title: winner of the World Barista Championship. A barista is a person who prepares coffee drinks in a coffee house as his or her profession and especially strives toContinue Reading

Ah, coffee! For those who love it, it’s not something easily given up. Perhaps because this beverage is so popular, facts, myths, and trivia surround it. Some are true, some aren’t, and some are just fun facts. So let’s take a look at some of the facts, myths, and triviaContinue Reading