Thanks for stopping by. This blog is dedicated to the tastes and smells of Coffee, as well as, the products available for coffee lovers.
I love coffee! I am a late bloomer when it comes to coffee. It’s only been about 9 years that I have been drinking it. I am 51 right now, so you can see how much I missed out. Some background on me; I have culinary training of 16 yrs, I am a US Navy veteran and I am married to the best girl in the world.
I would like to encourage everyone who reads this blog to make a comment on what they read or add insight to any subject discussed.
I will have Video posts, contests and product giveaways to those that contribute in some way to the success of this blog. So, Please share, comment and email me about coffee.
You can start right now by commenting what your favorite flavor of coffee is and maybe where you get it.